Canada’s Best

Leadership Anti-Bullying School Assembly

Check out Scott Graham’s new speaker website at:

Scott Graham’s Leadership Anti-bullying Assemblies and keynote presentations have been available for thirty-one years and have become the most successful leadership anti-bullying program for schools in Canada and worldwide. Why? Because they deliver effective strategies. The presentations include usable anti-bullying strategies and inspire leadership. A confident child can implement anti-bullying strategies and motivate others.

Please check out the bullyfreeME promo footage, which features testimonies from hockey great Doug Gilmour and lead singer Gord Deppe of the band Spoons.

Scott Graham has presented across Canada and worldwide and has worked with students in various schools in Scotland, Austria and Switzerland, including the prestigious George Heriot School in Edinburgh, Scotland. In addition, Scott Graham works with Indigenous students in northern Ontario and has done a virtual presentation in Bermuda.

Recently, Scott represented Canada at an anti-bullying conference hosted by the International Academy of Sciences Kazakhstan. Scott spoke to teachers and students from the US, England, Ireland, Russia, Kazakhstan, Finland, Sweden, Italy, and Brazil. Scott wants to help all children realize that they can be leaders.

Scott Graham presents an energetic and captivating leadership anti-bullying curriculum. These resources are filled with fun and valuable strategies for coping with bullying in schools—or outside of it! Assemblies run 45 to 60 minutes and are designed for grades 1 to 4 or 5 to 8.

What makes Scott Graham’s presentations unique is how leadership concepts are woven through conversations, motivating students to help themselves and others.

Presentations are also available for high school students and parents. These assemblies include valuable leadership lessons that will benefit the entire school community.

Access the Kids 4 Kids COURAGE Brochure Here  

K4K Brochure

Who is Scott Graham?

Check out Scott’s speaker website:

Scott Graham is not just an entertainer. Scott Graham has written six bestselling children’s books, produced a video and is a singer-songwriter, recording with Alan Frew of the band Glass Tiger and Kenny McLean from Platinum Blonde and shared the stage with Gord Deppe from the band The Spoons. He’s been featured on Global News, CH News, BBC Radio and CFRB as a leadership bullying expert. He holds a Certificate in Social Work and a B.A. in Social Development and has studied with the world’s number one expert on leadership, John C. Maxwell. He was awarded the ‘Men Who Make A Difference Award by the Halton Women’s Place and received the Meritorious Service Medal from the Governor General of Canada. Scott Graham will positively impact your students and your school culture.

Presentation of Honours in London

Check out Scott Graham’s “Life Fantastical” documentary and other videos.

Scott offers leadership/anti-bullying and literacy presentations. See below for details.

  1. LEADERSHIP ANTI-BULLYING PRESENTATION: Scott Graham presents to primary, junior and intermediate students. Scott Graham explodes onto the stage, engaging students with real-life stories, usable strategies, and incredible insight. Students and staff will be inspired and motivated to help themselves and others. Scott has been helping students with bullying for 30 years.

  2. LITERACY PRESENTATION: Scott Graham is an individual who struggled with reading and writing. Scott will inspire students with his story of dealing with ADHD and a learning disability. He will discuss how he realized these labels were gifts that would lead him to bestselling author status. Scott will instill the love of reading and writing into your students and inspire them to use their challenges to empower themselves.

Past Presentations

Check out some Past Presentations

Book a Presentation

Choosing a Leadership Anti-Bullying Presentation

When you choose an anti-bullying presentation for your school, whether it’s Scott Graham or someone else’s, please consider the following:
  • How many years have they been presenting?  Scott Graham – 31 years
  • What are their academic qualifications for doing this? B.A. Social Development/Certificate in Social Work
  • Have they won any awards? Meritorious Service Medal from the Governor General of Canada, Men Who Make a Difference Award
  • Do they have principals you can speak with about their work? yes, when requested.
  • What else have they done to back up their authority on bullying?  TED speaker, presented on CFRB, Breakfast Television, Global News, BBC Radio, CH News, Canadian Health Journal
  • Are their prices fair? Scott keeps his prices affordable and is willing to work within your budget.
Do you want an engaging and informative program, or do you want entertainment? Some presentations are entertaining but don’t leave your students with any usable anti-bullying strategies. Scott Graham’s presentations are engaging and energetic and have proven to offer usable strategies. They inspire leadership.

Bullying Information

How do we define bullying? According to PREVNet, Canada’s authority on research and resources for bullying prevention, bullying is…

“A form of abuse at the hands of peers that can take different forms at different ages. It is targeted and repeated. It involves power, aggression, intimidation, and shame.”

Leaving definitions aside, most of us can recognize bullying when we see it — but if you’re a kid, you may not know how to deal with it. Bullying can come in many shapes and forms. It can be physical bullying, like punches and kicks, or verbal bullying, like insults and put-downs. In today’s modern age, it may even take the form of cyberbullying — bullying that happens online, often through social media.

Whatever the case, Scott Graham’s leadership anti-bullying assemblies can help children develop fun and valuable strategies for dealing with bullies — wherever they appear!

Bullying prevention begins at school. This is where most bullying takes place. Bullying can create an incredibly harmful environment for learning and have a significant impact on your child’s physical, mental and emotional safety. If your school does not have an anti-bullying program in place, then it is essential to start a conversation about the effects of bullying.

Scott Graham’s leadership anti-bullying assembly is a great way to generate bullying awareness in your school. It works well with new or ongoing anti-bullying programs, using its proven strategies to help kids say ‘No’ to bullies!

See below for testimonials from principals, teachers, and students who have experienced these fantastic presentations firsthand!

“Scott Graham has been part of our school for over 10 years. He has made a significant difference to our school culture. If we have a bullying issue, we call Scott. He has an amazing ability at connecting with our students. They absolutely love him. Our school held a Terry Fox assembly in September. We asked the kids to name a Canadian hero. They called out Scott Graham as a Canadian hero. Amazing!”

– Principal, Peel District School Board

“After Scott Graham’s presentation I had a student come up to me to tell me that he now realizes that the learning disability he considered to be the thing that was going to ruin his life was a gift. After hearing Scott speak of his learning disability and ADHD, this boy changed his view on life. Scott gave this boy a gift that will last a lifetime.”

– Principal, Halton District School Board

“Simply the best leadership anti-bullying presentation I have ever seen! It was real. Scott didn’t lecture us. He taught us through real life stories, his humour and his knowledge. I see now why Scott has been doing this for 25 years!”

– Teacher, Bay D’Espoir Academy, Newfoundland

“Scott is a dynamic presenter. It was nice to finally have a speaker who has the academic credentials to back up what he is teaching. After teaching for 27 years, I was getting tired of presentations that focused more on the entertainment value that teaching the students practical strategies. Magic and theatre are great, but when we hire someone to teach anti-bullying skills that’s what we want. Scott delivers and outperforms any presenter I have seen. Thank you Scott Graham, for encouraging is to be the best we can be.

– Teacher, Balhousie Primary School, Perth, Scotland

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