Scotland 2022

Home / Courage Tour / Scotland 2022

I travelled back to Scotland in June and October of 2022. I presented at GEORGE HERIOT School in Edinburgh. The presentation in June was exciting. In the middle of my presentation, the fire bell rang. I had to evacuate the school with the students. We walked to the back of George Heriot School near Grassmarket. When I returned, the students welcomed me by cheering and banging on their desks. They seemed to enjoy the presentation. When I returned in October, I presented to the P6 classes and did a team-building workshop with a new P6 class. The response was great!

I also presented at St. Ninian School in Perth and did an interactive workshop for the Perth Kinross Young Carers. I have been to St. Ninian a few times now. The kids were excited to see me. In October, I returned to St. Ninian and St. John’s Schools. I presented to the S1 students and did a fun song and story session with the P3s. The S1’s are always a hard sell. So much bravado.  They were engaged, which is saying something. The P3s loved it!

I travelled up to Kintore and Monymusk, which is northeast of Aberdeen. I presented to 350 students at Kintore and did a fun song and story session in a P2 class. I then drove to Monymusk School. There were approximately 56 students. It was a one-hundred-and-fifty-year-old school. The students were excited. One boy named Christian came to talk with me after I played guitar for the younger students. He seemed to want a little extra time with me.

In October, I took fifteen Young Carers to Dalguise. It was an exhausting experience. On the first night, I was awakened at 11:40 pm and then at 12:30 a.m. by two young boys who couldn’t sleep. The next day, I had to go on the Giant Swinging Chair. I thought I was going to puke. Between no sleep and a not-so-good breakfast, I was not ready to do a Giant Swing.

During one of the evenings, I played a game called Ambush with the kids. I was lying on top of a hill, hiding from another group of kids, as the rain poured on my face. And yes, I got a bad cold due to the damp, cold Scottish weather.

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